Arts & Culture Network

The Arts and Culture Network are interested in all things creative and cultural.

We know that art and culture is not merely the domain of art galleries. Art and culture is in every show we watch on TV, every advert we see. We experience culture in schools, hospitals, workplaces and pubs. The creative industries are recording their highest ever contribution to the UK economy at a time when arts education in schools in dwindling.

We believe that the more you understand culture, the more you understand the world around you. In bringing these discussion to Young Fabian members we hope to influence better discussions of policy in all areas and push culture to the front of the left-wing movement.

Please join us for member-led events, socials, discussions and publications. In 2022 we want to broaden the realm in which people see art and culture within policy making and show how it is essential for re-building the left's place in British politics.

If you haven't already, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest news and upcoming events. We'd love to hear your thoughts on how to improve our network and ideas you have for future events! Feel free to email [email protected] if you'd like to get more involved.

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Follow us on Twitter @YF_ArtsCulture
Follow our Instagram feed @yf.artsandculturenetwork

Steering committee

Owen Bell


Amber Khan


Finley Harnett

Policy Officer

Adam Freedman

LGBT+ Officer

Rhiannon Sullivan

Women's Officer

Omid Miri

Outreach Officer

Upcoming Dates

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